Kenneth Mate
Block work going up. Builder Moses Gani in charge. This is the first main structure at the Abundance Training Center. Many of the walls are up, but we lack the roof, doors, windows. We have about 3/4 of the cost of a well. Much work yet to get training going on here. The grand vision will need many in USA with abundances to give to enable abundances to grow in the Mukuni tribe. Pray for the success of our fundraising and leadership in this great work.
Keeping up with my daylily garden, especially the seedlings, has taken a back seat to a new passion.
Beginning in 2019, I have been going to Africa, to Zambia, to rural Muchinga Village to build an Abundance Training Center.
In 2023 I was there for three weeks, my fourth trip. Our main task this year was to complete renovation of a two room school building that Zambian Boy Scouts had made as a preschool. That building has not been used for several years, and vandals and termites had done damage.
So with the help of our wonderful donors, we poured new floors, installed new window glass, new doors, and installed solar panels to supply power for our needs. We are also building a home for our resident supervisor as required by the Chiefdom.
A friend donated a good computer, to which we added a large monitor. This computer was loaded with training videos in agriculture from the mission, Farming God's Way which is based in our region of Africa. Also an extensive set of videos training in English language.
The generosity of our donors made it possible to renovate the Zambian Scout Preschool Building. New glass for broken windows, new concrete floors to replace damaged soilcrete floors, and new doors to replace termite eaten doors. Solar panels on the roof, and molded plastic chairs in the school rooms, computer in safe case, monitor on wall mounts, and new blackboards now make training possible in this place.
The chiefdom requires we have a resident manager to help prevent vandalism and theft. While the manager's house and toilet are built, Sylvester and his wife will live in one schoolroom.
We are thankful for the generosity of our donors who make this work possible. Several of our daylily customers have contributed to this cause. I pay my own expenses, so donor money is 100% effective in increasing abundance in the lives we touch.
In 2023 we were in Zambia for Easter. Lukwela Baptist Church has the largest facility in the region, so eleven churches come each year, arriving on Thursday. Preaching takes place each morning and evening, as each of eleven pastors has his time to speak about the implications of the resurrection of Jesus Christ. I was privileged to have the Sunday morning slot with an interpretor.
Daniel Kline
New window glass, new doors and floors, and new exterior paint. Site cleaning, outhouse repairs, and outfitting for use was 2023 efforts. Chiefdom requires us to have a resident guard. We have selected Sylvester as teacher and are building a home for him and his wife. This is a work in progress and funds are needed to get this training center fully operational.
Daniel Kline
Sylvester with his grandchildren. He is a deacon in his church, occasionally preaches, and is in high honor in the village. The Senior Headman is very pleased we have chosen him. During my tenting stay in the village, Sylvester was fully in charge of taking care of me. He is a joyful Godly man with multi-generational effectiveness. His older son will manage the farm while Sylvester does training sessions at the School House.
Daniel Kline
Pastors Kenneth Mate and Peter Chibilani are our main leaders in the work. Kenneth is Executive Director. He preaches in several languages. His English is excellent, and he has great honor wherever he goes. Peter will be the resident manager of our Abundance Training Center as it is developed. Training will be in Christian life and character, effective farming practices, and a variety of skills for livelihood improvement. The vision is for the promise of Jesus to become fully true. "I have come that they may have life, and have it more abundantly." John 10:10.
Daniel Kline
The first main structure of the Abundance Training Center is this cross shaped building. Here we are at the back door, looking over the main central room with two side rooms. As the work progresses, Peter Chibilani will live with his family in this structure while his house is built. This room is large enough to seat about 75 trainees. After Peter's house is built one of the side rooms will be a lending library and video center. The other side room will be a multi-purpose work room. Toilets and kitchen are outside this building.
Daniel Kline
Our builder is Moses Gani who has specialized in building church structures. Here he uses a framing square to smooth the plaster on the foundation. Moses is an elder in his church, and talks with joy about those he has led to faith in Jesus Christ. We are very happy with the quality people that help us achieve the vision of the Abundance Training Centers.