
Please email first for availability. We are a small family garden and are limited in what we can grow. bringforth4u@gmail.com

Shipping is $12 for the first plant and $2 for each additional plant.

We accept PayPal, Venmo, checks and money orders. Checks and money orders may be made out to Daniel Kline or to Dan's Designer Daylilies. Find us at PayPal as bringforth4u@gmail.com and Venmo at Daniel-Kline-Sr
If you must pay by debit or credit card, please call so we can take the payment by phone. We must charge 3.5% to offset card fees. 804-919-4054

To place your order online, click on the "order form" icon.

Since we are zone 7, shipping can be done the beginning of April through October 15, or later in the fall if the order goes south. Please let us know the best time for you to receive your order.

We do not ship plants internationally.

Contact Info

Dan's Designer Daylilies
5512 Hawthorne Avenue
Richmond, VA 23227
Lily Auction Username:Daylily_Dan

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