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2013 (VP2)x(PA3)-2

Photo by Daniel Kline

In our quest for blue on purple this seedling stood out for performance and beauty and fertility.

2011 (VMU-2) 7.15.14 042

Our first breakthrough blue on purple this seedling helped focus our attention on blue eyes on purple with white edge.

Welcome to Dan's Designer Daylilies!

We collect and breed high performance daylilies in Richmond Virginia. We hope you enjoy looking around this site. Most of what we grow can also live at your house. We are open for business on this site. Shopping cart and PayPal, etc.

Daylilies first caught our attention in 2003, and since then we have collected about 225 named cultivars, and began hybridizing in 2007. We chose to concentrate on breeding rather than take up the work of display gardens.

It didn't take long for us to observe that some daylily plants were far superior to other plants so we began to acquire daylilies that were known for excellent performance. We valued branching, bud count, increase, fertility, rebloom, and vigor. We favor dormancy and large size blooms. We also favor high impact colors.

Presently we are working to improve performance and color intensity in a variety of colors, shapes, and designs. Of course when great beauty shows up we pay attention.

One of our greatest challenges is very poor soil. We cannot evaluate plant performance if our soil is not good. Much effort has gone into improving our soils. Check out our blog pages on this site to see what we do to increase moisture and nutrient retention and reduce dependence on watering and fertilizing.

Contact Info

Dan's Designer Daylilies
5512 Hawthorne Avenue
Richmond, VA 23227
Lily Auction Username:Daylily_Dan

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