$50.00 Double Fan


Declaring Glory

Photo by Daniel Kline

This plant checks all the boxes while declaring its glory. Beatiful, vigorous, easily fertile both ways, quick increase, easy to divide, tall strong scapes with many branches and buds. Reblooms when not setting seed. There is much to like about this plant!

Declaring Glory 001

Photo by Daniel Kline

Declaring Glory makes a glorious clump, and because of wide branching and many buds, it holds this look for a long time. A great garden plant with all the virtues we hope for.


Declaring Glory has a wonderfully complex large blue eye on a light cream petal. It is heavily branched and budded and blooms over a long season. It is highly fertile and produces great seedlings with complex blue mauve eyes.

Declaring Glory (Kline, 2019)
height 30 in.(76 cm), bloom 5.5 in.(13 cm), season M, Rebloom, Semi-Evergreen, Tetraploid, Fragrant, 40 buds, 8 branches, Cream with large complex blue eye above a green throat.. (Jamaican Love × Delta Blues)

Contact Info

Dan's Designer Daylilies
5512 Hawthorne Avenue
Richmond, VA 23227
Lily Auction Username:Daylily_Dan

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