$45.00 Double Fan


Accumulated Blues

Photo by Daniel Kline

Accumulated Blues 001

Photo by Daniel Kline

Best expressions come a few times per year.

Accumulated Blues 002

Photo by Daniel Kline

Every Day look during steamy weather.


Accumulated Blues has gorgeous blossoms rich in blues. The expression of blue is difficult in daylilies, but here a variety of lovely blues accumulate for as very pleasing effect.
Unfortunately quality seed production from this plant is difficult, so we price it as a garden plant to have and enjoy.
Registered late in 2018 we introduced it in 2019.
Accumulated Blues (Kline, 2018). height 25 in.(63 cm), bloom 5 in.(12 cm), season M, Rebloom, Semi-Evergreen, Tetraploid, Fragrant, 20 buds, 4 branches, Mauve with purple tones, blue eye, and purple, blue, and gold triple edge, with yellow to green throat.. (Palace Garden Beauty × Asian Fairy Bluebird)

Contact Info

Dan's Designer Daylilies
5512 Hawthorne Avenue
Richmond, VA 23227
Lily Auction Username:Daylily_Dan

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